VideoSwipes (Rootless)
Compatibility: This package is compatible with iOS 11.0 to 15.7.6.
This package has been downloaded 3368 times.
VideoSwipes is a tweak that adds swipe gestures to the stock iOS video player. It also has support for YouTube player (also works on thumbnails).
It allows to rewind/forward the video, change volume, change brightness and toggle play/pause. All of this with convenient gestures!
Here are the available gestures/actions:
- Swipe left/right : rewind/forward the video of 15s (you can change the number of seconds in settings)
- Swipe up/down on the left of the screen : increase/decrease volume (configurable steps)
- Swipe up/down on the right of the screen : increase/decrease brightness (configurable steps)
- Swipe up/down on the middle of the screen : toggle fullscreen
- Long press anywhere : toggle play/pause
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iOS 11.0 to 15.7.6
- Fix YouTube toggle fullscreen and toggle play/pause gestures for new YouTube version
- Fix arm64e slice for iOS 13 devices
- Fix YouTube rewind/forward gestures for new YouTube version
- Only disable YouTube related videos if Volume and Brightness gestures are enabled
- Fix YouTube rewind gesture which can fail in some cases on the beginning of a video
- Fix YouTube long press gesture for new YouTube version
- Remove Facebook (legacy) support definitively
- Fix YouTube vertical gestures for new YouTube version
- Support for recent YouTube versions
- Fix Prefs layout for new Cephei versions
- Add support for YouTube
- Add limited support for Facebook (only Rewind & Skip are supported)
- Add support for MediaPlayer (an other Apple player used in apps like TV)
- Add settings for brightness & volume steps cutomization
- Fix a respring loop some Uncover users reported when rejailbreaking with "Reload System Daemons" enabled
- Some minor bug fixes and improvements
- Add swipe up/down gestures to change volume and brightness
- Add long press to toggle play/pause
- Add icon