Compatibility: This package is compatible with iOS 14.0 to 16.7.7.
This package has been downloaded 4221 times.
Powercuts is a library which allows tweaks to provide new actions to the Shortcuts app. It also comes with some cool additions.
Download actions packs by searching for "Powercuts" in your package manager. Provided actions can then be used in your Shortcuts and Personal Automations.
Here are some example packs:
As a developer, you can either create actions for your existing tweaks or create new actions (pack), in minutes! Basically, all you need to do is define the action (name, description...) and provide the code to be executed when this action runs. Then, register this action to PowercutsManager in SpringBoard. Done!
Interested in learning more? Check out the documentation with examples.
Check out my Twitter @AnthoPak to get live updates about my tweaks :)
Feel free to make a small donation or check out my paid tweaks if you want to support my work!