Compatibility: This package is compatible with iOS 11.0 to 14.8.
This package has been downloaded 2570 times.
Know if you have a notification without looking at your phone! Hold Power Button (or other gesture) to know if an important notification is pending.
Sometimes it can be tedious to take your phone out of your pocket just to check if you have a message or any other important notification. With NotiVibe, just hold Power Button and your iPhone will vibrate if there is a pending notification of one of your selected apps.
You can add apps to four categories:
Most Important apps: if you have a notification of one of these apps, your phone will vibrate 2 times
Important apps: if you have a notification of one of these apps, your phone will vibrate 1 time
Most Important titles: if you have a notification which matches these titles, your phone will vibrate 2 times
Important titles: if you have a notification which matches these titles, your phone will vibrate 1 time
You can configure the following:
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